Monday 11 May 2009


Contrary to what Shruti thinks, I'm not walking "everywhere all the time". I just happen to have been fortunate enough to tag along on a couple of things. Anyway this week hasn'tr been quite so energetic; just the gym twice and dance classes. The weekend's wiped out with things in London but there are things in the pipeline.

I'm pretty keen on climbing the three peaks (not in challenge format) as part of our training. I'm quite surprised at how many people want to tag along. Snowdon will probably be the first because it's closest. This threatens to turn into a bit of an office expedition which is fine as long as people fit with our plans and not the other way round :) One of our badminton buddies has asked if he can join us when we do Ben Nevis and even offered to give me a crash course in map reading. Not that I can't read a map, just that it's been a while since I studied OS maps properly and I expect my skills are fairly basic.

The nice thing about having other people along is that by and large they are people who have done this sort of thing before. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at the thought of my first climb being without any sort of guidance. I could do it, but I wouldn't necessarily be happy about it. This may surprise those of you who think I'm fearless.

But as with everything I'm super keen to get on with it. And once I've done the three peaks I may do some of the Welsh 3000's...

Still waiting on my new charity confirmation, grrr. Going to have some serious catching up to do if Shruti's funraising total is anything to go by!

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