Did several runs last week and a couple of very short bike rides, culminating in the Bluewater 10k on Sunday 14th. It was a brilliantly organised event and I'm already looking forward to doing it next year. Lucozade were one of the main sponsors and were giving away loads of sports drinks, energy gels, bars and drink mixes as well as loads of advice on nutrition from their (dishy) Sports Scientists. I've probably got enough stuff to stock a small shop. Adidas were the other main sponsor and had provided everyone with a technical t-shirt. Red for the boys and garish day-glo orange for the girls. Nice. The weather was really far too hot, even at 8 in the morning when we started doing the warm up (well the girls did, the men just stood and watched us). However, it was a good course and I finished in 1:02:57. Bit gutted I didn't break the one hour mark but I'll do that next time for sure.

I had my first Hep B jab on Wednesday and was warned I might get flu-like symptoms but luckily I had no side effects whatsoever. I was worried it'd affect me enough that I'd feel groggy for the race.
I still want to keep running outdoors but I'm aware that won't prepare me enough for the trek so it's back to the gym this week. Only trouble is I'm crazy busy in the evenings so I might have to fit in some morning sessions, which I don't like because there's the hassle of showering at work. Still, Shruti and I have a long walk planned for the Solstice weekend and I'll get in a few more exercise sessions before middle of next week when I head off to Glastonbury. No chance of doing anything of use there :)
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