How many of us have undergone some type of health of fitness test?
Maybe some kind of VO2 max test or step test when starting work with a PT, had
body fat percentage measured or a resting heart rate or blood pressure check at
the doctors.
Testing was a big part of the Personal Trainer course I took part
in recently. We were encouraged to try our hands at taking blood pressure and
heart rate readings as well as circumference measurements to assess body fat percentage.
We were shown how a number of ways to assess VO2 max (the maximum rate at which
we can consume oxygen, a measure often used to determine a person’s fitness or
endurance) and muscular endurance. Our results were then compared to a number
of norms tables to determine where we fell on a scale.
The outcome of all this was that I realised that I'm not half as
fit or lean as I thought I was and that’s a bit depressing. I was well within
the average or normal ranges however as someone who puts a lot of thought into
what I eat and makes an effect to stay active, and as someone training to be a
PT, I expected to fare better. And as I caught myself thinking this, I realised
that two things my tutor said suddenly made a lot of sense.
Firstly, as a PT, choosing the right tests for your client can
make the difference between building confidence, motivation and self-efficacy
and destroying it. And PTs aren’t immune to this effect, although they’re
possibly more inclined to see an unexpected result as a challenge and feel
motivated enough to tackle it.
Secondly he suggested that more emphasis
put on your appearance as a PT in the fitness world than as a coach in the
sporting world. If a PT doesn't "look the part" in terms of muscle
mass, leanness and so on, then they’re often seen to be less of an authority on
the basis that if they can't follow their own advice then how can they possibly
make a difference to you, the client. However when it comes to athletic coaches,
or any coaches for that matter, there's less of an assumption that they should
be able to do that things that their athletes can. In fact in most cases
coaches can't perform at anywhere near the level of their athletes but that
doesn't make them any less of an authority or of any less use to their client.
You can bet your bottom dollar that, for example, Mo Farah’s coach isn’t
capable of running half as fast as Farah himself. Neither will he exhibit the
same kind of lean frame or body fat levels, but he still coached Farah to
Olympic standard.
It’s a pity that this attitude isn’t as prevalent elsewhere. As a trainee
PT, I’m learning that this will be part and parcel of the job; I will come up
against prejudices and judgments will be made based on how I look, way before I
can demonstrate my abilities and there’s little I can do to change this much as
I’d like to.
Have you come up against these sorts of attitudes? How did it make
you feel? Is it something that we can change?
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