Monday 16 March 2015

REPs : Who, What and Why?

If you work in the Health and Fitness sector you're probably familiar with REPs but if you're a gym-goer or have a PT you may only have heard of it in passing. So what is it and why should you be bothered about it?
REPs is the Register of Exercise Professionals (not repetitions in this instance). It's been around since 2002 and is an independent, public register where you can find the details of exercise instructors in the UK and their qualifications.
What's the point of it? Well it provides a means of regulating instructors and trainers, to ensure that they hold the qualifications they say they do, and that those qualifications meet particular standards. As someone on the receiving end of these services it provides peace of mind that your PT or instructor:
  • has met nationally agreed occupational standards
  • holds recognised and approved qualifications
  • is independently verified as being competent in the work place
  • is committed to ongoing professional development, and
  • is legally covered to practice by appropriate insurance
It also gives you a way to complain about the professional conduct of a member through the complaints form. Just as you might ensure your gas man is registered with CORGI, you might want to make sure that your PT or pilates instructor (for instance) is a member of REPs.

It's not compulsory for you to be a member of REPs as a fitness professional but it's an easy way to get your skills recognised and to ensure you have appropriate insurance (if you choose to take it out through REPs). It gives employers, whether that be an individual or a company, confidence that you are appropriately qualified and have the knowledge, competence and skills to perform your role effectively.

Via the REPS website you can also find details of training courses that you can use to build up your CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points. REPs members have to obtain 24 points every two years in order to remain members. This means that your knowledge is more likely to be current and you'll be able to offer more to your clients. 

So there we have it, a beginners guide to REPs. It's not sexy, but it is useful.

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