Friday, 31 December 2010
In preparation
I've not run for about 2.5 weeks which is long enough for me to be feeling as though I need to but past the point that I've got itchy feet about going out and doing anything. Plus it's cold, foggy, wet, blah blah blah.
Dug out my body fat monitor. Thought it'd be good to track how I'm doing that way too. So here are the vitals as at T-1.
Weight: 64kg (yikes!)
Fat %: 26
Muscle %: 69.9
Water %: 53.7
BMI: 20.1 (yikes again)
Friday, 24 December 2010
Runners Unite!
Cue surprised pause...
Turns out she's my pacer from the last couple of weeks who was also geared up for Grim! Her hubby works for company and is also a runner. The know me as the Girl In Pink. Turns out the big boss man (who's completely lovely) is also doing Grim and was trying to persuade me to run the Fleet half marathon with him. Unfortunately it's the same day as the Reading half so I'll have to bow out, also I'm doing Grim in May now and not January with the other three. We all had quite a chat about running to the extent I think the OH felt slightly left out.
One of the reasons I love running... it's a great leveler and really does unite people. Even at office Christmas parties.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Janathon will be a shock to the system
My first event next year is the Reading half so I should be training but I've lost momentum and some motivation. It is with joy and trepidation then that I acknowledge the approach of Janathon. Over 100 people are now signed up and much as I would adore to win a prize I don't think I stand much chance. What I am hoping is that the camaraderie will help to kick start 2011 fitness regime. I will be logging my runs on the RunningFree website and trying to support fellow Janathoners.
Why have I suddenly lost motivation for running? Can't all be Christmas related surely?
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Polar Circle marathon
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Dark Side of the Lens
DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Grim revisited
After some consideration I'm transferring. I don't really want to wait a whole year, it'll help me stay focussed on training for my other events and the weather will be nicer. That said, the course is supposedly tougher although it's only 10km. I'm going to have to start embracing hill training.
I think huge thanks have to go out to the Grim organisers. They've handled this all extremely well and even though a lot of us have been whinging and whining about it, we're very grateful.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Danny Macaskill
Friday, 3 December 2010
Grim Challenge
For days and days, ever since the snow started, I've been battling with my conscience as to whether or not to go ahead with this. There were concerns about the state of the course, whether it would actually be dangerous for me to try and compete, whether I could get there safely and whether mum and dad would be able to get to me to support me, because if I'm honest there was no way I was going to attempt to do this without support in case I did injure myself or suffer from hypothermia or something.
I was still toying with trying to get there because a) I'd paid b) I'd run in minus temperatures and know I can cope c) I knew other people were all geared up and ready to go and I'd feel like I'd wussed out.
This morning I made a decision not to go ahead with it, and immediately felt rubbish. So it was with joy that I saw the recent announcement on their facebook site that it's being postponed, probably until January, land bookings permitting. FAN-tastic! I can relax, train some more, and enjoy my Christmas now.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
They're coming to take me away hee hee haa haa
And so this morning I got out of my lovely warm bed, steppedinto my running gear and without trying to think too much, went to Frimley parkrun. It was my 10th, which means I'm 1/5th of the way to a t-shirt! Anyway I digress. Just before we started I saw a guy in a Grim 2009 Survivor t-shirt so I asked if he was doing it this year. He's done it 5 times but won't be taking it on this time, however as we set off I overheard him talking to a girl beside me, saying that they'll break the ice and if the pools aren't waist deep then they'll fill them up with a hose pipe... WAIST DEEP! That sort of caught my attention so I had a chat with the girl. Turns out she's doing it Sunday (I'm on Saturday) and now we're both pretty scared.
I over took her fairly early on but I've got into the habit of taking a walking break at the start of the second lap, especially just before we get onto the tow path as there's a little steep bit I don't like. I'd slowed down and this girl caught me up, touched me on the arm and said "Come on". And that was it, I decided I was going to keep pace with her and if possible beat her. I got a couple of feet in front so I could still hear her footsteps and kept it that way the rest of the course, even putting on a small sprint finish to pip her to the finish line. It was great! If it hadn't been for her I'd not have run so well and I told her so. I ran 28.03, just 1 second off my PB!
And I didn't even remember the cold! But I still don't want to do Grim next weekend.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
It’s glass walls that infuriate
Glass walled meeting rooms
Glass walls dividing departments
Glass walls keeping me from the world outside.
It’s there, I can see it, but it’s just out of reach. I imagine the sun on my neck and the wind in my hair, the feel of the ground under my feet and dirt under my nails.
I dream of running as far and as fast as I can until my lungs feel like they’re going to burst, moving with abandon the way I did when I was a child and didn’t care about cuts and bruises.
I have a desire to be mountain biking through forests, making new bruises and aching muscles under dappled sunlight.
I think of being on the beach, sea salt coating my skin, wrapped in sweaters but barefoot, shoes neglected in the dunes, watching the waves and the sunset with chips and a bottle of beer, after a day of playing in the surf. In my imagination I’m surrounded by friends. We dance on the sands and collapse into each others arms giggling.
We have pitched tents but have no intentions of sleeping. As we lie in the entrances to our tents, our playful murmuring is the only sound for miles under the stars until the sun starts to rise.
I can feel my soul swelling with wellbeing and contentedness. It’s a blissful feeling.
Give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above. Don’t fence me in.
Give me a mountain and I’ll climb it.
Give me a road and I’ll walk it.
Give me a field and I’ll be happy.
Give me the sea and I’ll be lost forever.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Ugly Gear
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Over eating
Velvet nights
Earmuffs rediscovered
Mornings frosty
Bonfire smoke
Embers glowing
Radiators on
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Snowdon 3.0
After obligatory photos and a quick scoffing of sandwiches behind the now closed cafe (shivering set in within about 4 minutes) we descended via the Llanberis path, a longer but gentler route down. The group seperated a lot more on the descent as it's an easier path to follow and those who were more able put best feet forwards and got a shift on. I was towards the back but only because we had opted for comfort breaks. The rain set in during the last 45 minutes or so but it seemed a bit pointless putting on waterproof trousers at this point so I suffered wet legs and bedraggled hair whilst enjoying the comfort of my Berghaus waterproof jacket.
So two days of walking under my belt I was looking forward to some rest and recouperation in Dorset which admittedly I did get... I'm not sure I saw a morning in those three days, but they did feature a beach walk from Sandbanks to Bournemouth and a short walk at Lulworth Cove. The beach walk was especially lovely and I was brave enough to remove my shoes and socks, paddle in the sea and feel the sand between my toes. Very refreshing. Another 4 hours I think. Lulworth Cove was barely a walk at all but I awarded myself the prize for Most Inappropriately Dressed Hill Walker of the day (a game my friends and I play whenever we engage in this sort of activity) wearing as I was knee high boots and a denim mini skirt.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Pine Ridge 10k
Well it was a superb morning for it, cold and crisp but sunny. There were about 1200 participants of all abilities and a few dogs as well. The course was a bit slippery and muddy but very pretty and not so bad that I noticed anyone stack it. There were a few hilly bits that I wasn't really prepared for but I decided to walk those and run a bit faster down hill. Generally it was all very well organised except that they should have started herding people over to the start a lot earlier. We ran 15 minutes late because people were still making their way to the start line which was a good 10 minute walk from the car park and area where we collected out timing chips. Either that or we should have just started without them. Harsh but fair on those of us who got there on time and had warmed up.
There was some good comaraderie and I was quite amused to find myself playing tag with a chap in a yellow t-shirt who seemed to run for a while, then walk and wait for me to catch up or over take before sprinting off again. I completed in 1:06:47 and wore my green t-shirt with pride the rest of the day. I think the course was slightly longer than 10k but all in all, a great event, well organised, enjoyable and I'd recommend it to people for next year. I probably won't be doing it again, but only because I've other events to try :)
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Sonnet in C
Pretending to type and email and file
When all I want is to escape and play
Out there; to cycle, swim and run for miles
The sky is clouded and grey as the walls
That contain me from nine to five each day
But the lure of wide open spaces calls
And I find it’s all I can do to stay
One day I’ll escape from here to the wild
Feel sun on my skin and wind on my face
Be as carefree as I was as a child
Run far away from this time and this place
And I’ll breathe this motto when my lungs hurt
Of all the paths you choose let some be dirt
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Bunnies in bags and Grim Challenges
I hadn't realised that she was also doing Grim Challenge (which I need to do a bit more training for) so you never know, I might see her there.
This weekend I've got the Pine Ridge 10k. I should be ok. I've done one of my new super-brutal gym workouts this week already and I'm headed for a double whammy of gym classes today plus one more tomorrow. Awesomeness!
Monday, 1 November 2010
Halloween 5 Nite Run
It was an off-road course, flat but slick with mud and wet grass. As we set off I knew this wasn't the evening to be attempting any heroics or PB's. Staying on my feet was challenge enough! Every one of the 480 runners had to wear a headtorch which made for some pretty spectacular sights as we rounded corners and could see the trail of lights behind or ahead. The marshalls did a great job of warning of slippy spots, sharp bends and generally being encouraging. The course was well marked with signs and yellow glow sticks, tree roots painted white and other obstacles marked with orange glow sticks. There were "sheet ghosts" in the trees (very effective) and a drum band dressed in black with skeleton masks playing, which could be heard across the whole course.
I had such a brilliant time. I managed 29.38 which I was pretty happy with, but I now realise that if I can do that in those conditions I have no excuse for poor times at parkrun any more. Also I could really do with some trail shoes. Everyone got a souvenir mug and I'd bought one of the skeleton race shirts too as seen below in the very unflattering photo I took of myself post-race.
Brilliant event, thanks to the organisers. Might well do it again next year!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Orange sunsets
Crisp mornings
Turning leaves
Ovaltine evenings
Blankets unfurled
Experimental baking
Red-cheeked children
Monday, 18 October 2010
Cardiff Half Hobble
My leg didn't cause me any real issues and I came in at 2:12 which I was pretty pleased with, it only being 2 mins off my HM PB. Thanks Sean for giving me the chance to run it in the first place!
Good points about the race:
- The baggage was very well organised, as were the medal and goody bag hand outs
- The course, very pretty at the start, scenic all the way and about as flat as you could get
- Plenty of water stations
- Plenty of loos
Bad points about the race:
- The warm up wasn't very well organised, it was hard to hear and follow if you weren't up the front.
- Not enough segregation between runners and spectators at the start
- No mile markers until mile 3
I now have a couple of weeks off before the next event which is a cruisey 5k night time Hallowe'en run in Reading... dressed as a skellington :)
Monday, 11 October 2010
Royal Parks 2010
It was a brilliant day though. Highlights included the BMF warm up, Ben Fogle starting the race, passing Big Ben at 10am and hearing the chimes, getting high fives from the stewards, collecting a stupid amount of free food from the stands (place your bets on how long it'll take me to eat 16 mars bars) and finishing on a high. It really is one of the best organised races I've ever done and the route is full of London landmarks which keep it interesting.
Huge thanks to my mum and dad for getting up early, ferrying me there and back and cheering me on. And also for putting up with my weariness immediately after the event. If this has inspired you, you can register your interest for 2011.
In a moment of madness I decided to take on the Cardiff Half Marathon next weekend. I'm running on behalf of Sean of AudioFuel who's ill and I'm very grateful to him for giving me the chance to run this event which I've been pondering for two years now. I've never signed up before because it's always been "too close" to another event. Well that excuse has gone right out the window. Can't wait but am aprehensive (my hip will be fine, my hip will be fine...). I hope I do myself proud.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
I was getting pretty disheartened before I went away. The 5k times were rising, I felt sluggish and as if I had no time for anything expect work, sleep and training. I realise that routine is not always your friend. There are still mornings I wake up and wish I had a personal trainer to tell me exactly what I should be doing with my day, take me through yoga and a training programme. But alas I can’t afford one in terms of either time or money so I must persevere.
I’ve signed up for a few more races, I’ve discovered that I can run for almost two hours with just short pauses without suffering too much, that I rather enjoy running in the rain, that I still want a 25 minute 5k PB (and that I could probably do it with some more speedwork), and that I really really miss climbing and dancing. I used to do modern jazz and tap at a friend’s dance school but she no longer runs the classes for adults so I think I will have to find somewhere else that does the modern jazz/street/hip-hop styles because I loved it so much. I might see if anyone wants to come climbing with me when I head back to Cardiff in a week’s time.
So mixing it up is the order of the day. I reckon if I do 2 out of the 3 classes at the gym at work every week for core and cycling, a long run, parkrun and a speedwork/intervals session and then a cycle/zumba/yoga/climbing or swim session, that covers most bases and keeps things interesting although I do wonder if that’s asking too much of myself. I’m considering investing in a pull up bar and “borrowing” my friends dumbbells to work on my upper body strength at home.
I’m so positive at the moment that I’m considering signing up for a full marathon in Vegas in December 2011 rather than the half I was thinking about before…
Monday, 4 October 2010
Surfing in September

Thursday, 2 September 2010
The Next Challenge (don't panic, it's just a blog)
Today I did LBT at lunch and then put a new AudioFuel interval track to the test. I've not smiled so much whilst out running in ages, felt really energised and have decided that I enjoy running in Autumn sunshine. Maybe I'll start cycling to work next week.
My internet find of the week is the inspiration for the title of the blog, namely The Next Challenge website. Tim Moss writes a superb motivating blog about adventures big and small. And it's not all mountains and extremes, there's a lot here that's very accessible and aimed at the everyman looking to break out of the routine every once in a while. It's well worth a look and I'm sure you'll find something there to appeal. He also provides advice and guides to helping you plan your own adventure (however great or however formed the idea is) but that's not part of the blog.
This week was also marked by the arrival of the Howies catalogue. I've mentally bought about half the catalogue already (the mens jackets and fleeces are sooooo nice). Where'd I put that lottery ticket?
Thursday, 26 August 2010
We made it, more by luck than skill, to my office in about 30 minutes (3.2 miles). It wasn't the route I thought we'd take and I'll probably never be able to find it again. The rain wasn't letting up at all so we didn't hang around but turned straight back to try a slightly different route on the homeward leg. It all started out ok but 2 or 3 wrong turns and 2 drippy map consultations later and we were almost in sight of Jo's again. The rain had become harder, my socks were sopping and my jacket was turning out to be slightly less waterproof than previously believed (the state of Jo doesn't bear mentioning, poor girl) so we sheltered in an underpass and put in a call to Mr Jo requesting buckets of tea and warm towels. 3.5 miles in 50 minutes... hmmm... I shall definitely be trying out the route again sometime (before I do it for real).
Despite sogginess we both had a brilliant time and would probably go cycling in the rain again. I was so drenched that Jo wouldn't hear of my cycling home so put me in dry clothes and drove me back while my bike is having a sleepover at hers until Saturday. It was hot shower, toast and bed for me!
Mad girls cycling in the rain: 2
Mad people out running in the rain: 1
Youths encountered sheltering in underpasses: 8
Items of soaked clothing: 9
Items of borrowed clothing: 6
Illnesses as a result of mad expedition: 0 as yet
Cycle routes to work known: 0
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
No Substitute
I will see how she is at the Abs class tomorrow followed by a bike ride in the evening and will be forcing myself to do a pyramid session, ParkRun and a Long Run during the rest of the week. Once Dom’s back I might ask him for a weights routine. Or I might just buy some dumbbells and a pull up bar…
Monday, 23 August 2010
This is not good news as I have Royal Parks coming up! I was going to go for a run this evening but it's been raining today and I think it's going to be very very hard to motivate myself to go out. I have spin tomorrow which should get me back into things. I have birthday cake to work off!
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Running Trax
I almost feel like a traitor but if you're looking for something different and enjoy your dance music, then this might be worth a try.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Midlife Crisis?
Let's rewind a little bit. After spin on Tuesday, abs on Wednesday and LBT on Thursday I ached BAD, and I believe I owe my new Parkrun PB of 28.02 entirely to working so hard during the week. Despite only 5 hours sleep. Hurrah! It was a good feeling :) While I'm happy with my improving performance I've yet to get anywhere close to my mate Guy's times (although I'm catching up on age range %). I won't get to do Parkrun this week as I have birthday plans (my 30th, does that explain my recent behaviour?) so I reckon with two weeks of hard gym classes before the next one I should smash 27 mins. I did spin again this morning (it never gets easier) and will be doing abs tomorrow.
I'll have to try and ramp up the runs again soon in preparation for the Half Marathon in October which will just be a case of giving over a couple of evenings to longer runs and some technical work. I'm trying to decide whether or not to sign up for a 10k in November and/or a cross country 8 mile in December... I think I'm feeling too tired today.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Let's twist again
Sunday was my introduction to Mountain Boarding which was immense amounts of fun. I fully expected to be the eldest there by a long shot but on my 11am session the only other participant was Mark who was a wonderful 32 years old. God bless you dude. He had snowboarding skills on his side so wiped out far less than I did but both of us sort of gave up after 2.5 hours of hurtling downhills, tramping up them and colliding with them. I got pretty freaked out by the perceived speed at which I was travelling which lead to quite a few aborted runs as I slid my way, on my backside, into the nearest overgrown patch of ground. I probably achieved as many injuries on the lift as I did on the hills, it being so uneven that my board would get caught and I'd end up in a sprawling heap wondering which way was up (a common theme of the day).
By the end of it I was having a blast, ok at turning and stopping, even tried an up-and-down run. But I was also covered in sweat, dust, grazes and bruises (including one on my backside!). I was also the proud possessor of a twisted ankle, the severity of which only became apparent later that day as I'd clearly done it early on but kept using it. The verdict: I'd go again, but with more padding and once the memory of the pain has subsided.
So running's probably off the menu this week. I shall volunteer at Parkrun instead if I can make it at all.
Not one to be sat still (actually I was surviving on caffeine and sugar for a large part of the week), I tested out the ankle last night by way of a brief cycle around my immediate neighbourhood... in my PJs and flipflops (it was late, and I couldn't be bothered to put on sensible clothes). All seemed well so I threw myself into Spin class this morning. Dominic had very kindly put my name down... yeah, thanks. I was determined to do better than before and I think I did. I didn't swear so much but that was possibly because I was out of breath and exhausted. Legs felt less jelly-like and I seem to have a remarkable ability to recover quickly even when I feel like throwing up during the exercise. I definitely made more effort to use harder resistance but I noticed that I really struggle with peddling quickly, as I do with running fast. This leads me to believe that I am made for endurance, not speed but have arranged to have a chat with Dom about how I might improve.
Abs class tomorrow followed by a leisurely bike ride in the evening with the lovely Jo to try out my route to work in the hope of starting to cycle in at least one day a week from next week. Here's hoping for a speedy ankle recovery to allow for running next weekend.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Now I'll admit I wasn't pushing as hard as I could have done because I wanted to gauge how the class would pan out and not ruin my legs for tonight's race. I wanted to enjoy it rather than die. And ok I did enjoy it in the end despite jelly legs, practically melting off the bike, swearing profusely and the evil Dominic. I'm even fully prepared to give it ooooo maybe an extra 10% (oh go on then, 25%) next time. This might just be the key to improving my performance at running and will certainly help for triathlon.
And on that note... to tonight's activity! The Yateley 10k! I pretty much went into this blind, with no idea of the course and barely any idea what the weather was going to do. I didn't even get my race number before the event. But it was well organised and a pretty good course; all road and undulating but nothing too extreme. I'd decided to try not to pay too much attention to my garmin to start with, I think I only looked at it 3 times in the first 5k, and just run and enjoy it. And I did, I really surprised myself by not stopping at all until about 7k where I had to check out my shoe as the joint on my big toe felt as though it was rubbing on a seam (there are no seams on my socks). Even though my legs were in a really great rhythm the last 3k were pretty uncomfortable because of the toe which is blistered and sore. I'm blaming old shoes but my new ones would probably have been worse... this will be sorted in the next week or so.
Moment of truth... my chip time was 59:03!!! Average speed of 6.3mph, max 9mph. I'm sooooo happy. I've finally cracked that sub-one hour PB. And I got a spot prize! A water bottle, great, like I don't have about 6, but very nice all the same. I saw my physio before we started but didn't get to say hi and I couldn't find him after which was a shame (though this is probably because he was aiming to run 20 mins quicker than me) because I wanted to say hi and thank him for helping me get back on track. I think I owe it a little bit to spin class too...
I am a very happy girl.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Spin Spin Sugar
And when I got in tonight I pulled on my trainers again and went out for my shorter route which I did in a good time (despite a walk break). Again, although I ran at about 9.30 mins a mile (as opposed to 10.30 yesterday) I still don't feel quick. But I really did enjoy it. I think a couple more runs need to be done in the new trainers to really figure out if they're right for me. I've had a few knee twinges in both knees which is unusual but I'm not ready to blame it on the shoes just yet. However I will probably wear the old ones to race in on Tuesday.
As I've signed up for the gym I've also signed up for my first class - Spinning! I've never done a spin class before and fully expect to come out of it looking like Simon Pegg in Run Fat Boy Run. And this is before work at 7:15! Hum. In for a penny! Incidentally the gym manager, Dominic, is rather lovely. So instead of Charasmatic Chris, I now have Dishy Dominic ;)
Friday, 30 July 2010
Nettle Warrior Update
I've started planning next years events in earnest (because if I don't do it now, between events, I get put off) and at the moment it looks as though there could be an event every 2 months or so which would work quite well. This would probably be the first one to get booked just because entries are open already and it's £94 before March 2011. A lot of money... but worth it I think :) plus planning this far in advance means I have plenty of time to plan and train.
I will be getting a day-to-a-page diary for next year so I can detail my training and study (oh yeah, OU again) properly. It's all very well having a list of things I could do during a week or having training plans pinned to the fridge but I find that I don't really stick to anything. My "training plan" at the moment seems to amount to "do as much as you can", when you can, but I need to concentrate on proper progress with so many new and longer events in the pipeline. Oh I will manage the longer runs for half marathon training but without much attention paid to fartlek or hillwork. I appreciate I may need to take a step back while I build up some of these basics I've neglected but I think it will help me lots in the long run (ha ha!).
Hopefully detailing exactly what I need to do in my diary will mean I actually do it as time will get blocked out. "No I can't come out before 8, I've got hill reps to do". Either that or I need someone to poke me in the right direction with a sharp stick on a regular basis.
As I enter my 30th year I'm going to be fitter than ever!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Fast Slow Fast
But in the mean time, here's the stats:
On the way out
3.32 miles
21.47 mins
9.1 mph av
16 mph max
243 cals
Mid section
4.19 miles
49.17 mins
5.1 mph av
11.4 mph max
345 cals
many pauses :)
Way back
3.34 miles
23.39 mins
8.4 mph av
17.2 mph max
479 cals
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Getting back into it
I did not feel energetic. I only ran 2.3 miles. I didn't run fast. I didn't run continuously. But I did run and I enjoyed it. The new track was pretty good too :) I felt better the minute I started and although I've regressed a bit, hopefully it won't take too much to get back into the swing of things again. Definitely going for a run on Friday and Sunday now I've got my mojo back.
And a healthy dinner helped. I tried a risotto with half arborio, half bulgar wheat, with broad beans, yellow courgette and a huge handful of spinach, all home grown. Delish! Hopefully now the belly will begin to vanish, I'll start sleeping better and the energy will return :) Oh I've missed this!
Monday, 26 July 2010
Out of Practice
I do miss it though. Can't wait to get back into a routine of sorts or to get out for a run because I've got a new AudioFuel track to trial. It's been a trial to drag myself out this weekend though. Must make real effort tomorrow. I've got the Yately 10k next Wednesday and no matter how much I run between now and then I'm not really going to get any fitter so I'm just going to give it my all and try for that sub 1-hour PB again. I'm sure I can do it this time! At least I haven't regressed in the meantime...
Weight - (61) 61
Fat - (24.5) 24.6
BMI - (19.2) 19.2
Water - (54.9) 54.8
Muscle - (71.3) 71.2
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Thames 10k
I'm actually quite pleased with that given I really wasn't in the mood and I felt pretty tired but with the threat from a friend that if I didn't go and at least try for a PB she's make me drink my body weight in vodka I dragged myself there and somehow made it round. It was new terrain too. The event was in Beale Park near Reading which is a really pretty area and thankfully it was mostly flat, allbeit uneven ground. I was dreading there being proper hills when someone told me it was in a valley. Most of it was on trail but some was on tarmac. I hated the transition to tarmac, I found it really jarring. I think I actually went faster on grass! I got an achey shoulder but it went after 5k. I did have to walk a bit but I owe a strong(ish) finish to a lady runner who saw me walking around 8.5k and told me that there was only a little bit left and I could do it. Without her I don't think I'd have found the strength. Oh and Axel F really helped too.
Just out of interest I took my measurements again and here are the results. The previous ones are in brackets. Making progress...
Weight - (62) 61kg
Fat - (25) 24 .5%
BMI - (19.5) 19.2
Water (54.5) 54.9%
Muscle (70.8) 71.3
Monday, 5 July 2010
Mad dogs and Englishmen...
Next week I've got the chance to go waterskiing through work so if I'm lucky enough to get a place (only 8 available) then I'll forgo Parkrun for a week. This won't become a habit.
The results for Juneathon are in and I'm not a winner. I may have been amongst the 13 who exercised and blogged everyday but I don't thikn I was as the chap said the final 13 all ran everyday, which I didn't. Bit disapointed but guess I'll just have to try next year.
I've just done my Monday Swissball class but have skipped Abs as I was feeling a bit queasy.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Measuring up
Most data is easy to determine.
Height - 178cm
Weight - 62kg
Age - 29
Gender - female
The two points I was unsure of were whether I'm an "athlete" or "normal". The criteria seems mostly based on resting pulse. Athletes qualify for 60bpm or less and mine's pretty much 60bpm. Alongside this I had to choose between "Very active" (intense exercise everyday) or "Moderately active" (moderate exercise with sports 6-7 days a week). I decided to take the readings with both though I suspect I'm normal and moderate.
Athlete/Very active
Fat % - 19
BMI - 19.5
TDEE - 2505
Water % - 59.2
Muscle % - 76.8
Normal/Moderately active
Fat % - 25
BMI - 19.5
TDEE - 2129
Water % - 54.5
Muscle % - 70.8
Not too bad methinks. I prefer the athlete reading but think that'd be something to aim for in the normal setting. A mate of mine who's a personal trainer recons women should aim for 15-20% body fat So. Let's see if I can get down to 20% body fat by the end of August.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Difficult decision
According to the chap I saw, it's not strictly an ingrowing toenail but a similar condition caused by over-curvature of the toenail, more common in women thanks to our tendancy to wear silly high and pointy shoes. In extreme cases the toenail can actually grow to become a tube - youch.
As I have no infection I have two options. I can leave it and see if it improves on its own (and wear better shoes) or have an operation. The proceedure involves removing part of the nail and preventing it from regrowing by applying a chemical. It is done under local anaesthetic and is 90% effective. So far so good. But what worries me is the recovery period. I'd be effectively chair bound for two days and there's about a 6 week healing process with dressings ever decreasing in size. I'd need time off work and I'd not be able to run or do anything too active for probably 2 months.
I've got a few things booked up like the Yately 10k, Royal Parks in October, Surfing in September, Mountainboarding in August, which means that I'd not really be able to consider doing it until mid October if at all. I'd hoped to do Hellrunner, Tough Guy, Run to the Beat and Triathlon next year so will this affect that? Will I e able to get enough training ing? I'm really not sure what to do right now. I'm not optimistic that it'll improve on its own...
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Juneathon Day 30 - Done!
After complaining that I want a break then I bet I feel like going for a run tomorrow ;)
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Juneathon Day 29 - Penultimate
I'm going to draw up a proper, SMART, training plan going forwards. I need rest days. Please no Julyathon!
Monday, 28 June 2010
Juneathon Day 28 - Intervals
I need a training partner. I have determination, I just need a little bit of help. Aside from the magazines ;)
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Juneathon Day 27 - Freedom Run
So I completed the course in 27:23 (although my Garmin recorded the distance as 5.29km). My average pace was 8:20 /mi which is probably my fastest yet since recording my runs. Let's hope I can maintain it. Once again I recovered quickly and feel like it's not my legs that are the issue but the upper body, breathing and general lethargy. Hmmm.
I bought Runner's World and Women's Running today. Looking forward to reading those! Is that sad? Probably just a bit. Only 3 more days of Juneathon... phew.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Juneathon Day 26 - Just
Tomorrow, seeing as a mate of mine from Cardiff has done his first run (under duress for footy training) and ran it 9 minutes faster than I did fist time, I'm going to do some serious running training and maybe a freedom run (parkrun on a day other that Saturday at 9am). I'm getting all competitive on his ass! Hell yeah!
Friday, 25 June 2010
Juneathon Day 25 - Frogger!
I encountered a lorry coming towards me so I had to squeeze into the bushes and I almost ran over a frog who was blending a bit too well into his sandy surroundings.
I did just over 5 miles at an average of just under 9 miles an hour. I reached a max speed of 17mph! Now to go make that weight watchers no points curry :)
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Juneathon Day 24 - I'm Meeeeeelting!
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Juneathon Day 23 - The Wheels On The Bike...
Feeling good about it all and am definitely improving my strength and stamina. I wonder what it would be like if I really pushed myself!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Juneathon Day 22
Downsides to the run were my Garmin dying as I stepped out the door so I've no record of my progress and almost stepping on a decomposing rat wasn't all that great either.
Tomorrow... mountain biking!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Juneathon Day 21 - Not A Very Manic Monday
I still have excess energy. All this exercise (allbeit small amounts each day) is really giving me new levels of energy and while it's hard to do a bit every day, it would be even harder if I pushed myself to the max every day so I think it's good I'm doing little and often (and then lots infrequently).
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Juneathon Day 20 - Lazy Sunday Afternoons
So I did several rounds of salute to the sun, some hunter poses, downward dogs (almost heels to floor), cobras and several other poses whose names I've forgotten. I threw in some pressups (20), tricep dips (20) and glute work for good measure too. It was really invigorating. I'm sort of glad it was the last day of festival today because it's been so difficult to fit in exercise, I'm looking forward to getting back to everyday life and more scheduled fitness.
A few less donuts and cream teas will help too!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Juneathon Day 19 - Walking on Sunshine
Oh and it's not all that sunny, which is a shame.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Juneathon Day 18 - Field Work
I did do some wandering around the shops today but I don't think that counts, even if it did include a visit to the Adidas outlet store and the procurement of a couple of new zip through tops and a new vest. Yum!
I'm feeling pretty fat now so when the festival is over it's onto a low fat, veg heavy diet. I'd like to stay a size 10!
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Juneathon Day 17 - Down on the Farm
But for now I shall leave you to go and get my groove on to Virgil and the Accelerators. Peace out ;)
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Juneathon Day 16 - No More Physio
We ran through the exercises I'd been doing, determined that I will always find the glute exercises difficult (although I am getting much better at the £50 note exercise) and agreed that I should keep up the exercises on a lesser basis as I will never be able to change my biomechanics completely, it's always going to be a battle. He did give me one more iteration of the £50 note but we didn't have to do any ultrasound or releases. So I guess i'm sort of fixed!
To celebrate I decided, on a bit of a whim, to run the Forest Five. I'd deliberately not applied before the day as I didn't know if I'd feel up to it but as it was local and different terrain, and a shorter distance than Sunday I decided to go for it. It was very different to the races I've run before, not least because I was on my own, but it was smaller, more running club members and less in the way of timing. I got a small goody bag (but no medal) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a stunning evening, sunny but not hot, and running through the forest was an absolute joy. I did it in 49:20 with a loo stop and a trainer adjustment stop. There were a couple of hills that I managed to cope with and I'm sure I could have pushed a bit harder if I'd really tried. I just wanted to enjoy it. And no knee or shin pain!
I think I'm a proper runner if I do this sort of thing on a whim... and can keep up with the running clubs to some extent.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Juneathon Day 15
Monday, 14 June 2010
Juneathon Day 14 - Hula hula
Today I signed up for the Thames 10k on 7th July and have a plan to go do the Forest 5 on Wednesday. I'm also signed up for a swissball class tomorrow. I very nearly didn't do anything this evening. I hadn't taken my gym kit to work as I couldn't get in early or stay late and then it started raining and didn't realy stop. I wasn't feeling motivated enough to go running or riding in the rain and I'd left it too late to go climbing (which I'd forgotten was even an option!). I had to pack for the festival I'm going to at the weekend, which is going to present me with even more difficulties for Juneathon both in terms of exercising and blogging and suddenly it was 9pm. So in keeping with remembering alternative ways of exercising I broke out the weighted hula hoop and hula-ed my way to a trimmer waist for 30 minutes, followed by 30 pressups, 100 crunches, 20 tricep dips and some glute work. Feel the burn!
My bruise has suddenly become dramatically rainbow coloured and doubled in size which is both fascinating and slightly more uncomfortable but it'll only get better from here... I hope!!
So tomorrow it's swiss ball and then helping Shruti pack for her trip to Kili. I'm so excited for her. I heard from the guy who also had to drop out on summit night who is thinking about going back and has asked if I'd like to go too. I'm very tempted, as long as I can get the funds together. No sponsorship this time.
I got to see the photos from yesterday, both official and un official :) My fave taken by my parents is below. I thought I was thinner than that, damn my sweet tooth!

Sunday, 13 June 2010
Juneathon Day 13 - Bluewater & Bounce
The event wasn't quite as well organised as last year. The warm up was non-existant but there were a couple of local bands playing en route which was ace. My favourite part was the steel band playing the Match Of The Day theme on the way to the start. The weather was perfect, overcast and cool. And I'm not too worn out so I'm considering signing up for another event on Monday (not to do one on Monday, just putting my name down).
In fact my legs dont' feel tired or achey at all. It always seems to be my shoulders that ache and my upper body in general that stops the lower half doing it's thing... I wish I knew what to do about that. But for now since I've tallied up my spoils (1 gooy bag, 1 medal, 9 lucozade lites and 12 lucozade powders) it's time to kick back with the Sunday papers and the laterst Triathlete's World until it's time for Bon Jovi at the O2 later.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Juneathon Day 12 - Tapering
I'm at that point again where I start to feel a bit twitchy if I've not done any exercise. I'm trying to hang on to this good energy for tomorrow so I'm going to do crunches, pressups and tricep dips whilst watching a film tonight and then get an early night. All my kit's ready for tomorrow; iPod charged and morning alarm set. Can't wait!
Friday, 11 June 2010
Juneathon Day 11 - Stacked It

Yes, that was through denim and they are rather sore. I'm hoping the soreness goes away by Sunday. Somehow it's made me even more determined to get a good time. A nice couple came out of their house to check I was ok and a passing cyclist put my chain back on for me.
In total I rode about 10 miles and didn't feel worn out at all! I only came home to clean up and get some food, otherwise I reckon I could have been out there all night :) I've also done 40 pressups and 100 sit ups. I will up the ante after the race 'cause I appear to have challenged someone to complete the Tough Guy Nettle Warrior next year and I reckon it's going to take me some time to achieve the fitness level I want. Quite excited!
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Juneathon Day 10 - Rat Race
Today has been really tough in terms of fitting any sort of exercise in. I was up at 6.30am to go into London and had a team dinner this evening which left me with barely an hour between getting home and going out again. I almost threw in the towel but pulled on my trainers for a quick interval session and settled for missing out on pre-dinner drinks. My heart wasn't really in it, it has to be said, and I was fairly easy on myself but at least I did something. I didn't do as well as last time, I walked more than I should have done. I have more time tomorrow though so although I might give the running a rest, I should be able to get out on the bike for a bit of variety. I will definitely conquer intervals after the race though... I mean it's not like I'm going to stop training, in fact I've got the half marathon to look forward to even if I book nothing else up before then... and I'm still tempted to run a few more 10k's before the summer's out.
I am also quite tempted to sign up for the summer version of Tough Guy one year. It certainly won't be this year and might not be next if I want to do a tri (although I'd like to actually go and watch one before I participate and that might not happen for a while). Something does strangely appeal about doing something so stupidly outrageous and body breaking. So many events to try! So much training to do and so many years worth of planning. I think the hardest part is pacing myself!Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Juneathon Day 9 - Last Run Through
I went for a 2 mile run tonight which didn't really feel like too much work but I guess I need to take it easy in view of the race on Sunday. I haven't managed to fit in a 6 miler in my training. Thanks to the physio (which really does seem to be doing the trick) I've not run as much as I normally would in preparation but I know I'm capable of the distance so if I don't wear myself out too much before hand and the weather predictions stay true to the current promise of "not too hot" then I stand a fighting chance of equalling or beating my PB from last year. Of course I might not manage it and so I'll have to try not to get too disapointed if that happens.
I was having a read of the Frimley Lodge ParkRun website and saw I got a mention in the news post for last week. I really did enjoy it even if I got a rubbish time. I would love to go back this Saturday and run again but it wouldn't be sensible. I won't be able to make it now until 3rd July but plenty of opportunity after that so I'll just have to exercise my patience insteadof my legs.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Juneathon Day 8 - I didn't know I had muscles there
Is it just me or does anyone else like that slightly burny, achey feeling after having worked that bit extra? Oh good!
Monday, 7 June 2010
Juneathon Day 7 - Crunch time
Not sure when's best to do my running this week, given that I'm racing on Sunday. I would have loved to have done the ParkRun again but it's the day before I race which is usually a rest day for me. Wouldn't want to over do it!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Juneathon Day 6 - Suffering
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Juneathon Day 5 - Melting
This morning I made it to my first ever ParkRun and stumbled through 5km in 23 degree heat. It was not fun. I fear for my new PB target next weekend. It was a really good atmosphere though, very well organised and plenty of people cheering you on. I'm too ashamed of my time to publish it but I wasn't last and I got round even though I felt like I was going to throw up at the half way mark. I am properly exhausted now though and plan to take it slightly easier tomorrow.
Have a happy rest-of-Saturday!
Friday, 4 June 2010
Juneathon Day 4
This is the challenge, clearly. I've been shipped to London for the day and I'm meeting a friend for a drink and a catch up at 8pm. This doesn't leave me an immense amount of time to fit some exercise in. I think maybe another interval session? It's too far to cycle to hers plus I'd get there all sweaty; not a good look when you've not seen someone for months... "Hi, lovely to see you, can I quickly use your shower?". I could do some pressups and crunches but it doesn't really feel like proper exercise. I guess it counts though... doesn't it? From here on in, it's fine, I'm going to run tomorrow (hopefully make it to my first ParkRun event), walk or run or do intervals in the park if I'm at mum's on Sunday (bike ride if not), I'm booked into classes on Monday and Tuesday... it's all panning out nicely.
It's just tonight... Hmmm. I think it's a 2.5 miler and a quick shower!
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Juneathon Day 3 - with added Physio!
I mentioned my 10k race and he gave me some advice on training in the last 10 days. He's involved in the Yately 10k series and put me to shame by saying that he managed it in 38.30... 15 years ago! Ah men are generally faster anyway. I'm now sorely tempted to enter one if not both of the remaining Yateley dates... Would that be wrong?
So tonight I tried out AudioFuel's Pyramid training scheme. I've never done this kind of stuff in the past which is probably why I've never progressed in the way I'd have liked. It's not a really long session but it's really wearing. My thighs really ached at the end of it and I didn't even manage to sprint the whole thing. I did get some really funny looks from people though. I think they wondered what I'd stolen!
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Juneathon Day 2 - Update
Juneathon Day 2
It's a beautiful day out there so after work I'm going to head out for a run. I've not decided how far yet but I'm hoping to have enough time and energy for my 4.5 miler. If I get a chance later in the month I want to bike over to the forest and do a run there, probably concentrating in hill work. Fun!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
May was too quick for me
Well even though I've been quiet on here I've certainly not been taking it easy. I've not been mountain biking so much but I've done several early morning gym sessions, a few runs on the road and a couple of core classes. The physio exercises were certainly working, but then the bank holiday weekend arrived and I spent 5 days camping and raving in a field which sort of scuppered things a bit. Hence it feels as though I've not done any exercise for ages. The raving brought on a bit of pain in my right shin and knee and my limbs are quite stiff again but I'm back on to the stretches with a vengance now.
Neil gave me a new stretch the last time I went called the "£50 note" exercise. It involves standing on my right leg with the left pressing slightly against a wall or bit of furniture, then, *ahem*, clenching as if I'm trying to hold on to a £50 note. My glutes are rubbish. I'm full of determination to be dedicated and do everything I can to improve. Encountering a fellow fitness freak at the weekend might have something to do with this.
In less than two weeks I run the Bluewater 10k. My race pack was waiting for me when I got home which was a proper reality check. This year the t-shirt is white. I'm really excited now but even so I'm still having to stop myself from signing up to other eventsd close to that date such as the Forest Five in Swinley Forest the Wednesday following the Bluewater 10k. It's been raining almost all day so my plan to go for a run tonight is in jeopardy right now. However I plan to take part in Juneathon in a bid to add a bit of motivation.
In essence it’s a month of exercise. Running, cycling, walking, rowing, weights, whatever. The aim is to just do something every day in June. I plan to start tonight with a run or some core work and then continue tomorrow with another run or a bike ride. Maybe after a week of this and some sensible eating (I've been neglecting that somewhat) I'll be brave enough to book in for my body fat percentage test!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
The Little Matter of an Impeding Race
I made a start on this today by dragging myself out of bed and doing half an hour in the gym before work. Neil recommended treadmill running to start with, and I can understand why. I ran 5km in 32 minutes and felt a bit of a pull in my right knee but not enough to stop. It's not a great time for 5km, I know I can do much better, but today was just about getting back into the rhythm of it. I didn't even have the treadmill on an incline, but I'll bring that back in next time. I used the Rocks Off Audiofuel mix with coaching today which I really enjoyed, although I found the end a bit slow. Might be time to start making my own mixes!
Mountain Biking again tomorrow I think and another early gym session on Thursday with Core class on Friday.
I'm tempted to sign up for the Thames 10km and the Boutique Run in Battersea. So many races, so little time. I have signed up for the London Marathon 2011 though so in October I'll hear whether I've got a place!Thursday, 6 May 2010
Tri, Trek and Trail
On Saturday Rich, Shruti and I set off for Snowdonia. We were camping at the very beautiful and rather empty Cwellyn Arms Campsite, near the foot of the mountain over looking a lake. If I were to go back to trek other peaks I'd definitely consider going back. Plus points included a proper wooden walkway through the site, trolleys to ferry your stuff to and from the cars and fire pits and picnic tables. A shortish walk gets you to the pub and a short drive gets you to Beddgelert which has a modest selection of eateries including a cafe that does a great cooked breakfast. We loaded up with one of these before setting off. We tackled the Rhyd-Ddu route up and the Ranger path coming back down. A good circular route with amazing views. It was extremely windy and I did fear that we might get blown off the ridge but we made it and warmed up with tea at the top. Rich is certainly getting the walking bug which is great as I've go someone else to call on when I want some company. And he's not just interested in the peaks.
Last night I dragged myself over to Swinley Forest again to go biking with the boys. I was struggling to keep up more than last time and to my relief this was attributable to my soft tires rather than power or general ability. We flagged down a passing cyclist from Birmingham who loaned us a pump and then we were off. It was much busier over there this time and we followed a few groups of fellow MTBers onto some great singletrack that we'd managed to completely pass by before. No one fell off and we started to feel a bit more like proper MTBers rather than complete novices. It was fantastic fun, tackling things I'd previously have never dreamed of, spotting a deer, claiming "our" log for a break, and I can't wait to get out there again next week. I even managed to cycle up some of the hills that the lads couldn't! My poor bike will be getting some TLC at the weekend.
This morning I had my Physio appointment with Neil. I 'fessed up to all the stuff I'd been doing but as I've been managing to keep up with the exercises he was pretty happy with my progress. He reckons there's at least another 6 weeks of treatment to be done though. After causing me significant pain (before 8.30am! it's just not fair) by "releasing" certain muscles he chatted about holidays in the Alps, mountainbiking, hiking, parkour and luge whilst using ultrasound on my knee. He really shouldn't give me ideas... Anyway it's back again in two weeks time. And he was very pleased with the chocolate courgette cake recipe :)
Friday, 30 April 2010

A pair of zoggs goggles
A bike bento bag
A waist pack
2 energy gels
1 protein/recovery bar
A water bottle
A tub of energy drink mix
The latest copy of Triathlete's World magazine
All in all, it made my Friday. I then felt it appropriate to head to the gym after work to complete the triathon challenge. I didn't expect to complete it all in one go but I did! 750m row, 20km cycle and 5km run. Phew! Now to tackle Snowdon on Sunday... looking forward to it so much, especially as it'll be the second peak my cousin Rich and I are attempting together!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Oo, Ee, Oo, Ahah
It was a perfect evening for biking and we were probably overly surprised by the numbers of fellow cyclists and runners out and about. Mostly we considered them to be "proper" cyclists and "mental" runners. We did have a couple of rest stops and attempted the cutting again (I almost made it out without falling off). Around about 8pm we went our separate ways, resolving to try and make this a regular thing, probably on Wednesdays. I just need to find a way to enjoy the ride to the forest more; coming home always seems better.
I reckon I ache so much today because I also did swissball and abs classes at lunchtime. I'm having a day off today and not going to Skip class after work because I've got Snowdon planned for Sunday and I don't want to overdo things. I'm thinking a short run or a gym session on Thursday or Friday though, as I've got the gym Triathlon challenge to complete before May 9th. If I complete a row, run and bike ride that fits with one of the standard Tri distances I will be entered into a draw to win a Trialthon starter pack, including a road bike!
In other news I'm getting on great with the pressups now, into week 5 I think. Closing in!
Song of the day is Ali In The Jungle by The Hours. Check out the lyrics. I felt a little bit smug when I realised they were talking about Joe Simpson of Touching The Void fame. Good song for singing at the top of your voice in the car... I imagine ;)